Entrepreneurship Development Services
EBL Women Banking Portal
EBL Women Banking is presenting an exclusive one-stop platform wherein from business documentation, access to finance, business management training need to online account opening, saving, loan application, necessary business know-how will be just a click away.
For more details, please visit: https://ebl.com.bd/womenportal/
Services you will find at EBL Women Banking Portal are:
Business development services:
To experience a hassle free business documentation procedure, prepare your business formal documents at preferential service fee with the help of experts.
Training Facilities:
- Entrepreneurship Development 101 Certification: Entrepreneurship Development 101 Certification presents a series of 18 videos with an objective to enhance a woman entrepreneur’s understanding of Business Management, Entrepreneurship Know-How and Digital Marketing.
You will be introduced to different topics sequentially and at the end of section, there will be a self-assessment page and you will be awarded with a digital participation certificate.
- Business Management Course: EBL women banking has designed a complete self-paced online business management course where you can easily learn all the fundamental issues starting from business risk management, cost management, time and stakeholders management, revenue models to procurement, offline-online marketing, business documentation and bank loan. Now you can learn business management basics from anywhere, anytime in Bangla language at free of cost.
- Women Entrepreneur Development Program: ‘Joyee – জয়ী’, a co-branded Women Entrepreneur Development Program jointly launched by EBL and Prerona Foundation, aimed at the female entrepreneurs with at least 1 (one) year of business experience with trade license, who are willing to take their businesses to the next level.
Banking Services:
- Loan Application (Secured Loan)
- Open Account
- Open Deposit (FDR, DPS)
Contact EBL Women Banking:
- Branches: Designated Women Banking Help Desk at all EBL Branches across the country
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eblwomenbanking
- Email: womenbanking@ebl-bd.com