Murabahah to the Purchase Orderer (MPO)

Murabahah is one of the most widely used instrument for Islamic financing products across the globe. Murabahah is the sale of a commodity at a price that includes a set of profit of which both the seller and the consumer are aware of.

In Short  

  • A sale based product under the Shariah contract of Murabahah.
  • Adding mark-up to the cost of goods.
  • Both the seller and the consumer are aware of a set of profit.
  • The client must purchase products or assets.
  • The required products must be Shariah compliant, its end use will also be Shariah compliant.
  • Usually short-term finance.


Salient Features

  • This is a mode of finance generally used for short-term finance requirement of the client.
  • Client may place an order to purchase goods by the bank and committing to buy the same from the bank.
  • The bank must purchase the goods as per specification of the Client to acquire ownership of the same before signing the Murabahah agreement with the Client.
  • The bank may authorize any third party to buy and receive the goods on Bank's behalf. The authorization must be in a separate contract.
  • Agreed price will include the cost price and profit. Bank must disclose the cost price and profit.
  • The price once fixed as per agreement and deferred amount cannot be further increased.
  • It is permissible to take cash / collateral security to guarantee the implementation of the promise or to indemnify the damages.
  • Stock and availability of the goods is a basic condition. Bank must purchase the goods to acquire ownership.
  • After purchase, the bank must bear the risk of goods until delivered.
  • Bank must ensure delivery of the specified goods to the client on specified date and at a specified place.


Following products are available under MPO




MPO-Local, MPO against TD, MPO-EDF, MPI (Murabahah Post Import), etc.


MPO-Local, MPO against TD, MPO-EDF, MPO-Business Solution, MPO-Fleet Financing, MPO-Krishi Finance, MPI (Murabahah Post Import), etc.


MPO-Term Executive, MPO-Term Women, MPO-Fast Finance, etc.