Murabahah Post Import Finance

This is a post import finance under the principle of Murabahah, extended to retire Shipping Documents under LC opened.

We buy the imported goods and sell the same to the importer at a cost plus an agreed upon profit repayable today or on some date in the future in lump sum or by installments. Murabahah mode of finance as Post Import Finance (PIF) to meet up working capital requirements in business of the customers.


Salient Features

  • This is a Product under the Shariah contract of Murabahah.
  • Bank must purchase the goods so that ownership of Bank on the goods is established.
  • There must be an agreement between the bank and the client cost of the goods sold and the amount of profit added therewith should be separately & clearly mentioned in the Murabahah agreement.
  • After procurement of the goods the client shall take delivery of the same signing on the reverse of the purchase schedule. And immediately after the bank shall take the goods on pledge as security of Bank's investment.
  • On expiry of the stipulated period, Bank can terminate the contract and dispose of the pledged goods at its own discretion.